Sunday, September 28, 2008

Episode 28; Mary's Magic Touch

Hey everyone, I'm back from my unscheduled break. I have Tim from Terminally Single joining me and he helps me recap the last few weeks. To get the episode directly go to:

As always thanks for sticking with me and feel free to contact me!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

We Are Currently Experiencing Technical Difficulties..... Please Stand By....

Hey everyone.... So w/the whole banking/stockmarket crisis there will be no podcast for a bit. Don't panic.... See my bank closed last night and I had to go get all my money before my accounts were frozen. So the payment for the server that does the podcast files will have nothing to get paid thru. Therefore until I get a new account we're in a holding pattern. Have no fear dear listeners I will be doing this ASAP. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Episode 27; Foul Mouthed Parrot

In this episode I'm joined by Fairy Priness Holly and we discuss so many topics from hair cuts to animals to the state of Big Fatty's colon. You can find her at

You can get this and any other of my episodes at: