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Hello everyone! I know it's been forever but I'm back and I'm not wearing black.... anyway Terminally Single Tim joins me for chatting. take a listen!
Hey everyone, just a quick little episode to let you all know what has happened.
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I'm joined by the ever fabulous Tim Corrimal and we discuss news, family drama and I let you all in on the move! Thanks to Kelley for the email and David that Blue Jeans Guy for the voicemail!
visit to get the episode directly!
Hey everyone! Here is the long awaited episode 40. Full of updates and me testing something out. Enjoy!
P.S. Amazing artwork isnt it?
P.P.S. go to to get the episode if you're non iTunes and what not....
Hey kids just a quick post to let you know I'm still among the living. This getting ready to move has really taken its toll. I'm going to try to record and post a show soon so don't despair dear listeners!!!!
Here we are everyone with a new episode! I'm joined by Robert from Terminally Single, JayT from no current podcast and the fabulous listener Mandie. We drink, be merry and have audio issues that I just put this out there anyway because my guests have great recovery abilities! Stay tuned for part two in the next day or so. To get the show directly go to
Here I am again! I'm joined by Tim and Robert of Terminally Single and Wes of Live It Up to talk dating and loads of other fun stuff. Join us as we laugh it up!
to get the show directly head on over to
Yay for new shows! On this one I'm joined by Robert from Terminally Single fame and we dish on the Bachelor and then chat up a storm. Be sure to check me out on the latest episode of Pocket Talk! Take a look at the links on the side to get to all the shows mentioned!
As always you can direct download the show at
Hey everyone! I'm joined on this epsiode with Miss Wes from and we talk holidays, Big Fatty, dating, current events and things to come.
Go straight to the libsyn page to get this and all episodes:
It's a new show!!! Yay! I know its been awhile kids so I have Tim Corrimal on to help me bring you all up to date. We talk news, holidays and whatever else pops up. to get the show directly head on over to